Thursday, January 15, 2009

teaching practice

To be or not to be a teacher?: this is the question. And, frankly speaking, I still haven't made up my mind. The life will show, I guess. Still, I believe that this profession might give you considerable amount of satisfaction. There are so many institutions you can choose from, so many places where they do need English teachers...
Anyway, I'm supposed to say a few words concerning my experiences with teaching. For a few years now I've been a private tutor, I've met lots of nice people and I've got to know Poznan pretty well. These meetings at other people's places are an effective way of earning a little bit and practising your own English. I was a teaching assistant in a little Spanish pueblo;) called Alcala la Real, which hasn't made me neither rich in new useful experiences nor wiser. Still, it provided me with some Euro banknotes at the end of the month;) Then my Polish classes came. The children I met were really cooperative and enthusiastic. There were, obviously, some technical problems: too little time, too many activities, tasks that were too difficult etc.
This is it. Hopefully, some more interesting experiences await me in the future. Otherwise, I would commit suicide. Cya.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Childhood stuff

Hi everyone!

Hope your Xmas as well as New Year's Eve were great.

The picture on the left shows me and my best friend. I'm the one in the back. I don't know what this crooked smile means;] We're best friends still, although, as it happens between people, we've had our ups and downs. Nevertheless, we love each other very much.